Sunday, January 28, 2007

They're up!

So folkies it's time to use the fabulous linky thing on the right side of the page to scoot on over to my deviantart account to see the shiney things i was promising ya'll (you're looking for the latest jewellery posts, you'll find it!) Drop me a comment, compliment, commision. I'm a popularity whore so just go on ahead and pay attention to ME!

So, besides constant affirmation that that raving lunatic who runs the service desk in the supermarket where I work needs to be put down before she destroys us all with her abject stupidity, there's not a whole lot going on in cherry land. I'm working on a whole bunch of crafty things, which should all be put aside promptly so I can finish stormewolfe's wedding pressie!

Watching the cricket and waiting for the tennis to start, how aussie/sad is that?! Seriously though, if Gonzalez (or 'Gonzo' as the commentators have dubbed him) plays as well against Federer as he did against tommy Haas the other night, this is gonna be an awesome match!

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