Sunday, January 21, 2007

argh! my leg!

snap shot of my life at 5am. technically it's about 5.15am and i'm getting ready for work on a sunday. isn't this supposed to be against someone's religion? I still have to have something to eat and drink and i have to go by 5.30. i'm trying to be quiet as possible because Gareth's still sleeping of course. For the first time in weeks I actually have monday off so I just have to get through the next 9 hours and I'm free for a day until the bastards stick me in the meat department for the first time on tuesday (ergh!). The only thing really different about this morning: my right leg. I've done...something to it. I have no idea what. I'm limping around the place like a war veteran and it hurts like a bizatch whenever i put my foot down. The next 9 hours on my feet are going to be the epitome of hell.

The crap day at work yesterday and the one I'm execting today have had one good effect in that I've found a way around all the selection criteria for those other jobs. It's amazing what you can achieve with the right motivation!

now to hobble over to the kitchen for some tasty breakfast of metamucil and a muesli bar. Joy.

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