Friday, January 19, 2007

new career=same headache

Job searching isn't any more fun now than it was before I was employed. I have a few more names to add to my referees list and a few more jobs to add to my employment history, but I still suck when it comes to lying successfully on the selection criteria!

I've applied to for 2 advertised retail jobs recently and am still waiting for news from them. A couple of jobs have come up in child and family services for case managers and child protection workers. I will go for them, but the selection criteria is wordy and wanky in a way only government documents can be. The more I look at them the more I think I can't do it. But for $45k pa+ I'll give it a go and leave it up to them to decide if i can do it or not! After I put these applications together I'll apply online for a couple of bookshops in town. I think unless I go back to uni and study something like social work or teaching (blecch to both) or maybe some art and multimedia (which would be awesome) then I'm probably doomed to retail!

Is it a bad thing to be almost 27 and not know what you're gonna do with your life?

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