Friday, June 01, 2007

hidey-ho bizatches!


Sorry for once again neglecting my blog, to the what 1, 2 of you who actually give a shit? Anyway, i'm not dead, just lazy!

Full-time work is highly overrated!! I WANNA GO BACK TO UNI!!!!!

I'm not kidding. Alright the meat room is a fuckload better than any other department in the supermarket, but a co-workers 20 YEAR ANNIVERSARY of working in the company put into perspective the fact that there are NO PROSPECTS for my line of work, at least not here in tassie. Also it is completely soul sapping. I have no energy for being creative out of work hours, weekends are spent drinking and sleeping in an effort to relax before turning up on monday to do it all again. It's been 2 months or less and i'm already over it. there is a myriad of things about working at the supermarket i hate, most of which have been well documented in previous posts and which are getting worse instead of better, especially now that the person i was being trained to replace has now left, but there's no one to replace me so i'm required to be 2 people at once. considering i get paid minimum wage for 1 person this is hardly fair, especially when they call me up to help with service, effectively saying they expect me to be 3 people but they are only prepared to pay me to be 1, and that only barely.

But this week I've come to realise what it is i need: more education!! I mean yeah, it's nice to have the extra cash, but is it really worth it when i'm exhausted, i feel soulless and used and i'm turning to alcohol to feel a bit better? I hardly think so, some people might, but i don't. I miss university life, i mean sure i was broke most of the time, but my brain was being stimulated, i survived exams and met interesting people, i didn't have to get up at 6am and i felt like what i had to say in essays and reports was being listened to, if only by the person marking it. my only regret about uni the first time around was that the course i studied didn't improve my employment prospects! I mean I loved it, and i think that was the problem, because i'm an arty person but there's just not that many art-related jobs that pay a living wage. having said that, if i went back i would be doing a course in fine arts, but i would combine it with a computing degree and focus on the multimedia aspect, including web design, animation and other digital artforms which would allow me to find work in a burgeoning industry similar to that of my wonderful ghenkis! Actually his recent decisions have influenced me a great deal on this. He has come to the revelation that after 6 years or so of busting a gut he actually hates what he's studying! He's changing from engineering to computing, being able to have some of what he's studied credited to the computing course, he will finish it in the same amount of time it would take him to finish his engi course and still provide employment oppurtunities but in a field he enjoys and is actually very good at.

Anyway, so that's what's going on with me at the moment, being completely fed up with a job i've been in for barely 2 months and needing to return to study. Of course I will hold onto my job, probably transfer to a supermarket closer to home and uni and just take on 10-15 hours a week for extra cash on top of centrelink. But damn i would be awesome to go back and to try to put myself in a situation where i actually feel i am moving forward instead of spinning my wheels amongst people who really do have nothing better to do with their lives than pack meat and stack shelves.

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