Friday, March 02, 2007

almost forgot!

ooops, didn't mean to leave this place for so long. been busy i guess.

generic update: had birthday, birthday rocked. still not got fulltime job, but have 3 departments fighting over me now! woot! been crafting heaps, check out deviantart for my new beaded flowers and my chainmail pieces. didn't win last months swarovski prize, but the coronet is still on the site and available for voting, and my newest entry, "A charmed bookmark" has been added and is currently the first thing on the list (or was a few hours ago!). Currently completing a chainmail mobile phone/ clubber pouch to add to it.

I am eating pikelets.

If anyone knows how to sew, I'd be grateful for some help! Spotlight had an awesome sale on dress patterns so i bought the 2 patterns i need to make my wedding dress! the only problem is i have no idea what to do with them! One is a corset and if i could learn how to make it in a month or so I could make an awesome one decorated with swarovski and enter it into the competition!

the pikelets have apricot jam on them.

Spent the last 2 weeks housesitting for the new mr and mrs dukayn while they were on their honeymoon. Their feline masters are both twisted and unusual. However, there was Austar and hence the joys of latenight She-Ra episodes. There was also much beading and chainmail and hence much praise from the mother of the bride, the meek and humble Marik followed by much chest puffing and egotistical parading by yours truly.

except for the one's with sugar and lemon juice.


Anonymous said...

mmmmm pikelets......

I can sorta sew, but if your looking to do it properly, they I am so not the person to talk to, my mum would be.... she can sew and knows what all those crazy symbols mean on the patterns.... its like another language to me though.

Anonymous said...

My teeth feel all funny. I bought a new head for my electric toothbrush. Just thought you should know.

Also wasnt well on wednesday, so I seem to be the reason we dont catch up.

But we must, come rain hail or shit... Let me know a time for you and I will counter offer....
