Tuesday, February 20, 2007

1 more day and 1 more year

so tomorrow is my 27th birthday. not impressed.

I'm trying to think of an ID for deviantart. Something that describes me in one picture. the problem is, when it comes to art and me, i'm kinda random. I'll have a go at anything that looks like fun at the time. i'm no good at chibis so i can't do a self portrait like that. Maybe I could do something like Jess (tattereddreams.deviantart.com) with a photo of myself enhanced with the computer, but it's not something I'm used to doing either! Hmm

I'm also looking at setting up an Etsy account to start selling some things, mostly jewellery but maybe plushies and, when I learn to make them, corsets.

Just got 2 awesome new books, one of them is chainmail designs and as soon as I can get to a metal place I'll start on those. In the meantime, the new beaded flower book i have is keeping me very amused. Anyone whose coming to margarita nite tomorrow night will see the fruits of this amusement.

Hmm, maybe a rose-related ID?


Anonymous said...

Everytime I vote on that crystal park thingie now, it changes what number you are!!! Damn yoooouus! They are on to me and my voting expoits!

Anonymous said...

I was just voting for your regal piece when one of the ladies I work with came in and saw it, she said that you were uber talented and that she loves that sort of original jewelry and wants to know if you sell any!!? Score one for you!

Anonymous said...

Ive voted like 20 times just today... all that spitting gave me a new lease on voting!

Love ya!