Saturday, March 10, 2007

productive me

Work is becomming the annoying chore in between living these days. I know that if i hate it that much then it's time to get out and find something else, and I'd started doing that, but full time hours in a place i'm used to is easier than looing for something which may be less secure. And I do so love the pay packet. mmmmcash!
Said paypacket is currently helping me feed my chainmail/swarovski crystal habit which i'm sorry to say has me dashing for the craft shop at the end of the working day (provided the working day actually ends at a time when the shops are still open) desperate for more jumprings, findings, crystals, beads, etc.etc.etc.
It is high time this became a 2-way thing. money in as well as money out.
My dilemma is two-fold, the first erm fold (!) being pretty simple to iron out (am i mixing my metaphors?). In order to sell stuff i must first have a place from which to sell it. answer: ebay or etsy. problem being i need a credit or debit card to maintain a profile on either site, even if i'm using paypal. solution: apply to bank for debit card. told ya that first one was easy.
Second fold is that I have no idea what I'm worth. I mean i can easily work out on paper what a piece of jewellery has cost me in materials, and i can even calculate the time it takes me to complete the same piece. The problem is what is that time worth? $5 an hour? $10 and hour? Should it be a percentage on top of the materials, or a set hourly rate? And what about the intricacy of a piece. I mean I can pretty well zone out and let my hands do the work for simple chainmail. But for composition and design, and more complex work I have to try harder. Is there a difference in what my time is worth then? And how do I justify the price I charge to someone who I'm charging it from for a commission that they've been kind enough to ask me to make because they like what i do?
btw, learning to make corsets is hard but kinda fun! I might try crochet next. mmmlacy

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

To Be Sure To be Sure! you had better not be working this saturday woman as it is the almighty and famous ST PATTIES DAY!!! WOOOT! we are watching the fooze ball (Brisbane are playing my sisters team, Carlton) and you are most welcome with your man to come and join us for the festivities if you have not got something else already planned! remember to wear something green, or face the almighty punishment... of the dreaded st patties day pinch!