oops, ok so been a while since i blogged. catchup time.
Can't remember what was going on and too lazy to check my last post so here's what's going on now:
bakery and meat still fighting over me (WOOT!)
I have taught myself to make chainmail and will enter my first piece in a competition to go to Austria to the headquarters of Swarovski Chrystal. (double WOOT!)
I have fallen in love with the Labyrinth and David Bowie as Jareth all over again! (mmmtights!) In light of this I have begun writing and posting a fan-fic based on the movie on deviantArt. click da link on the right of screen to check me out, literary stylie!
outside of that I am completely exhausted as I have worked 5 days in a row and have 2 more in bakery. I started at 5am on saturday, sunday and monday. I started at 7am today and will do for the next 2 days. Unfortunately due to the overpowering needs to write fan-fic and create prize-winning jewellery (as well as the knowledge that if i go to bed I'll just have to climb out of it again), I have gotten bugger all sleep over the last few nights. Isn't there something in the union rules about not working 7 days in a row? oh well, the pay packet next week should look pretty dern healthy, even if i look like a sack o' crapola!
Oh yeah, I'll have that jewellery piece up on dA as soon as it's finished. Keep checking back!
1 comment:
Some wanker has nicked my numberplates of my car whilst it was outside work... god and only 3 months after the loss of Magnamus prime... *sings as she weeps* I should be so lucky...lucky lucky lucky....
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