Friday, February 02, 2007

It's going to get worse before I get better

you may recall my last blog. At the time I was deperately trying not actually start planning my own wedding, desperately fighting the vibes of all those around me. Then it was staring wistfully into bridal shop windows (which, let's face it, I've always done!), and vicariously feeding off the excitement of the brides-to-be around me.
Well I've given in. I'm planning. Yes, I'm planning my wedding. With or without the other half! I'm searching the web for hairstyles, searching pattern books for dresses, searching for instructions to make beaded roses for bouqets, wondering if bonbonierre is really worth the cost.
I was in a shop today considering the COLOUR OF THE NAPKINS PEOPLE!!!!! I need a serious intervention or something!
I know it's all the influence of the fluttery hearts around me, and frankly it will be a relief when they're done with this ceremony thing and retreat to their respective caves, not to be seen again until they have spawned. Somewhere in the peace and quiet I will lose my enthusiasm for this insanity and drop the whole thing in pursuit of other things.
That is, of course, until the impending arrival of aforementioned spawn, when I will be embroidering baby blankets for my friends and mourning my as yet devoid of life womb. It's at that point that every condom in the house will subjected to being pierced with a sewing needle!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hon... I planned my wedding for a project in grade 12... its never to early to start. I have pictures of dresses, I know where and how much the area in the Botanical gardens will cost, Im still torn on a photographer and the place of the reception is still up for debate. I had mine planned down to the hand painted chop sticks that people would get to keep as a momento of the occasion. I also bought my Wedding cake cutters and Champagne flutes for Me and the groom... so do not feel alone... I am just as big a pot of crazy as you are!