Tuesday, June 19, 2007


wow, 2 posts in one day. I'm either really bored or really in need of someone to talk to! Actually it's a little it of both...

There are times when a woman needs a gay male friend. Not just so you can meet him for coffee and not have your man get all jealous and weird about it, although that would be a plus. No I mean a male friend you can ask about communicating with a man and who isn't too macho or so out of touch with his own feelings to just say something flippant and unhelpful.

Like say, you had this friend and she wasn't really that into making love, even though she had a good man whom she adored, it's just not that big of a deal to her. And one day her good man tells her it concerns him that she doesn't seem to want to have sex with him. Oh, he doesn't say anything about taking it as a personal insult or comment. And he doesn't seem interested in listening to her explain that a hard wang in her hip isn't exactly the best way to get her in the mood. See, then she could have this gay male friend who is a lot more attuned to his feelings and she could ask him how to explain to her good man that if he only kissed her a little more often, or showed a little more physical affection sometimes, then not only would this be a nice addition to the relationship, but it may even progress into lovemaking a lot more often than just a nudge in the ribs with his woody, er, would.

hypothetically speaking of course.

but, if anyone out there has a gay male friend they're not having coffee or going shoe shopping with this week, could they send him my, er, friends' way?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

No friends do I have that I class as "Gay"

I have some happy friends you (I mean, your friend) can borrow though!

If you (they) want to have a "Gay" friend, try the Gym. Its an untapped gold mine!

But if I was to give my advise, as a non gay, but girl friend. I would say your "Friend" should really be honest (but not bluntly honest, men dont like that) or even try buying some books on sex games, foreplay and all that. If he doesnt read them, you do it, and "point out" (or read out) some parts of interest. Try buying some "Sex vouchers" for both her and him, and if he does the "Boner bump" go and fetch a voucher that states "one hour of you going down on me" and it will either be really fun, or will make him think that it is too much work and not bother (a win win situation if you ask me.)

If all that doesnt work, then Im sorry, but it is time to sit him down, and have a chat about what really gets women in the mood one of which I can definately tell you is NOT the boner bump. Thats why we all dont go super horny crazy when a dog humps our leg... And if he gets all uppity and upset about it, just remind him you are trying to help, not point out his folleys. Just trying to Spice it up!

And if AAAAALLL that doesnt work, im sorry, but its time to take him out back and... let him go live on a farm with lots of space for him to run around on... if you catch my drift.