ok, so you've heard of the Uber-geek, the anime-nerd, the WoW tragics and the white dwarf cultists, but have you heard of an Ocker-geek?
Well I'm living with one. The lovely ghenkis has finally found his niche: blokey truck-driver with footy injuries who drinks beer by day, he arrives home to metamorphose into a MMORPG-playing, fantasy novel reading soon-to-be BComp student who drinks beer! I loves him!
In other news, i've been invited to an awesome partay! woot! a friend who throws the best parties has decided once more to throw a gala masquerade affair in early august and by virtue of actually being on her email list for the first time i know about it a month or so in advance instead of a week or so in advance! The result of this is mad costume making like you have never seen before. I'm going with the venetian masquerade theme, whilst the afore-mentioned Ocker-Geek will be turning up in the monochromatic ensemble of the Dread Pirate Roberts! I'm making my own dress (simplicity pattern 4453 in royal purple and gold embroidery), my gloves, purse, fan, jewellery and mask! I have also been requested to make a mask for my friend Storm who has procured a ravishing red gown from ebay. Of course this would all be fantastic if it wasn't for the fact that i'm running out of gold jumprings as we speak and my sewing machine just went berko for no apparent reason. But at least tomorrow i get to put plaster and vasaline on Storms face without her hitting me for it! There may be pics! Woot!
Oh yeah, and my job sucks and i'm over it. I am going back to uni next year or i will find a bridge to jump off!
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