Monday, April 02, 2007

no photographic evidence!

it's hard to type when i can't pull the laptop into my lap because of all the chainmail bits that are sitting on it. I've been practicing some new techniques because my credit card has been approved (woot!) and i've been officially told that I (finally!) have the full-time meatroom job at work (wootwoot!) so in a few weeks' time I will be able to start getting in materials for producing jewellery pieces and other craft masterpieces to sell on ebay and etsy!! WA-WOOT!!

The title of this post refers to the fact the THE BIG ONE is finally complete!! It is a thing of wonder and beauty indeed, an object of such rare elegance as to stir the soul and touch the heart. It is bold, yet sublime, Colourful, yet subdued. It speaks of poetry and fine wine. Grace, art, culture and the skill of a genius in full flight combine to form a masterpiece of varied medium and unsurpassed glory. It is, in short, an Opus of biblical proportions.

And none of yers can say no different cos i don't got me batteries for me camera charged yet, so there's no piccies! bleah!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

So your the one who writes those blurbs on the back of the wine bottles!! I KNEW it!