Monday, April 30, 2007

meat, crystals, poker & other mundanities.

sorry! did mean to update this before now, but just kinda didn't. Anyway...

So yeah, i've just started my third week of full-time meaty goodness. My spongelike ability to pick up on how to do stuff has been stretched and at the moment i'm a bit clogged up with little bits of info and pork, which isn't good cos it makes chocolate taste funny and i sooo neeeed chocolate! Oh yeah and the girl whose teaching me everything moves states in 4 weeks so i better get all spongy again!

Today being the last day of the month (yes i'm a mathematical genius. deal) the voting for crystal park's April people's choice awards for awesome pineapples finishes today. To all those people i know and don't know and would know if i could know but can't know so i won't know, who voted for the corset of yumminess WOOOT!!YOUGUYSROCKSOHARDOMGWTFROFLMFAO...!!!!111!!!111

erm, thankyou. Should know if all your coolness and my awe inspiring talent have resulted in victorious joy in the next couple of days. Seriously i don't know what else i could do to win this thing. Except the project i'm starting right now. chainmail and Swarovski crystal Indian bridal set including two 5-ring slave bracelets, a tikka (that's the forehead thingy), a choker and a long necklace, earrings with ear chains and probably a footcharm if i have enough jumprings. To get an idea of the colours i'll be using, check out my red Tikka at my deviantart account.I expect to have the set completed during this month(may) and submitted for next month (june) which is the final month of competition. In the meantime I will submit both my chainmail blossom charm purse and my crystal daisy ring, both of which are on my Deviantart account.

oh yeah, and anyone whose interested in playing online poker for free without having to bluff or even sit at a table all the time, put absolute poker in your google and smoke it! Downloading the software has thus far proven to be spyware and adware free for the 3 computers i know have it on there, and if you see cherrydelite on the tables DONTFUCKINRAISEMEYOUBASTARD! ahem. If you see noluckdragon with a seriously pissed off looking avatar or one called luckypanda, give em hell!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I always knew your proffession would involve the flesh of animals lives past gone...

actually, no, I really didnt see that coming.

Mister nate says howdy doodie, he messaged you but gots no reply the other day.

He is sorry he missed you whilst he was down for like... 3 seconds....

Anyhoo, must catch up woman!!!! Miss you heaps!
