OO look at the pretty colours! Blogger took down my old blog cos i neglected it. it was filthy, starving, dying of thirst and completely flea ridden. Just like mum's nintendogs!
I can't even remember what i was doing when i last wrote in the other blog other than that i had just discovered my love for deviantArt! Hence i shall recap my entire life to bring you up to speed:
I will run down the things i have going on right now tho!
I still love deviantArt. Check out my awesome talent at cherrydelight.deviantart.com
I have a few projects on the go to add to what's there including the guestbook for my friends' wedding, and maiko plushie doll being made with information from one of my favourite deviantartists.
I'm living with my gorgeous man, Gareth, whose name i spelled incorrectly in my former blog! It's sorted now, as you can see. We have an awesome apartment overlooking the city of Hobart which they're about to up the rent on (bastards) but it's still worth it! He's going back to uni to complete his Engi degree this year after spending last semester working pretty much full time in his dad's business. I can't wait to see him at graduation. I'm gonna be soooooo proud! And he's gonna look soooo hot in the cloak and mortarboard! I can't wait!
Anyhoo, i guess i should sign off with a statement of the reason why i decided to pick up this blog thing once more. Ahem: let it be known that Emma, otherwise known as Cherry Delight, resolves to no longer be a fat lazy hoglet, lounging on her hippopotamus-esque arse. This blog is to document my efforts to being a more pro-active human being, no longer griping at the crappy stuff in my life, but endeavouring to change it. I don't want to be grumpy, fat, lazy, unproductive and underpaid. I don't want to work a crap job that i hate with people who for the most part have an IQ at least 30 points lower than mine! I don't want to wear a baby-shit green shirt as a work uniform. I don't want to spend my days off lying on the couch staring at a screensaver because i'm too slack to even surf the freakin internet!
I'm going to spend the next 2 days detoxing my body and starting to move it. I'm going to get up in the morning and dance around the apartment! I'm going to drink cleansing herbal tea and eat fresh vegetables and fruit. I'm going to meditate and teach myself how to relax properly. I'm going to spend my free time being the creative creature i wish to be and cannot be at work. I'm going to actively look for a better job and work on the skills i need to get it. And I'm going to record the results of it all here, where my friends and family can see and judge and prod me when they think i'm not doing it! I'm gonna need your help guys!
Tomorrow I will make an entry here to go through where I am at in different areas of my life and the goals i wish to achieve, short and long term, in each of them. See ya then!
O! U should start by coming to WID with me tonight :) I also do tribal Belly Dancing mondays now - wot's thta night like for you?
WID? mmmbelly dancing. Mondays are a night i'm contracted to work unfortunately.
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