Thursday, January 18, 2007

why is metamucil so damn expensive?

okay, so i bought some bathroom scales. BAD IDEA! and I measured myself around bust, waist and hips. WORSE IDEA! Then I calculated my BMI and how much weight I need to lose for it to say I'm at a healthy weight. WTF!

Okay the BMI is not a bad benchmark, but in my case it sets a pretty unrealistic goal. According to it, I am obese. Okay, not arguing there after weighing and measuring. However, for me to be in a healthy weight range for my height I'd have to weigh 55kg at the MOST! Not gonna happen people! Firstly with my bone structure I'd look malnourished if I was that light, I'd have no muscle to speak of and I'd be so gaunt in the face they'd cast me as Snape in the next HP movie!

So I'm gonna be a bit more realistic with myself and concentrate on dress size and losing actual kg's instead. Currently I'm a 14 bordering on 16 in size and weigh 73kg. Not as big as I have been, but heading that way. My goals is a size 12 and an initial loss of 10kg, with a view to an end weight of 60kg at the most. If I give myself 15 weeks to get the first 10kg off then even if i plateau for a little while it shouldn't be too hard at 1kg per week. If I have the full 13kg off by then, awesome! If not, then I'll give myself another 5 weeks to work harder.

I already started this morning by spending about an hour dancing and stretching and doing sit-ups push-ups and squats. I could probably win Funniest Home video's with the footage (if there was any!) but I feel pretty good right now. I'm detoxing today so I've eaten a carrot and drunk about 4 litres of water!

So remember folks, 3rd of May is my goal date for losing that 10kg. Hopefully I'll lose it off the right bits!


Anonymous said...

You go GIRL!!!

You are making me feel bad now that i have flake for lunch... damn it.

If it helps my Cherry with her goal, Im gonna be good too and give you all the support i can! We should go dancing and stuff when we can, and if you like i will take you indoor rock climbing, its fun and im afraid of heights so its funny too! I suggest joining a team sport too. Ive joined indoor netball, but i want to start a volleyball team soon, i think that you would enjoy that!

Love ya! and good luck!


Rossilady said...

I used to play netball in high school. I'd throw off my opponents by talking to them about random stuff then steal the ball while they blinked at me! It'd be awesome to play a team sport and at least we could spend some regular time together! What night?