Saturday, February 09, 2008

the twelve days of crafty freedom

so today is the first day of twelve that i don't have to even think about work (oh yeah except for having to go in on thursday to work out my new roster cos the slack bastards needed me to kick them in the arse and say 'uh, management? yeah, its me. fix my friggin roster!!!'). Outside of that I am crafting, sleeping and probably eating way too much for the next week or so, then I start at my jewellery making course on monday! WEEEEE!

I've already fixed a necklace, made a pair of earrings and finished one of the last round of petals on my first really good beaded rose. 4 petals to go and then some leaves and i'll post it on deviantart. it may not seem like a big deal, but i had to get books from america to show me how to do it properly!

On the Faellyn front, I'm up to my 5th prototype of her head. just can't get the shape right. I'll work it out. eventually!

In the words of Bug: keep 'em dangly, dogface!

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