Your fairy is called Moth Cornglimmer
She is a creator of bounty and harvest.
She lives close to crystal caverns and stalagtite grottos.
She is only seen when the sun sets on the day of a completed harvest.
She collects crystals to wear on her dresses. She has butterfly wings the colour of yellow corn.
My vampire name:
The Great Archives determine you to have gone by the identity:
Magdalene Darling
Known in some parts of the world as:
Bast of The Horned One (double-ew tee eff is a Bast?!)
The Great Archives Record:
Sworn to one more ancient than the devil.
So ok, i'm a little bored. its hard to play guild wars and eat pizza at the same time!
um, so, yeah. I think new years and christmas and stuff have happened since i last blogged. it was all good. had to work through most of it, but yay for overtime pay on public holidays. Blunty3000 (close personal friend, people! I should be famous by association!) came to town and we got drunk with another one of our dear friends Murray the Music Man (read: will busk for beer) who should be a daddy in the coming weeks, if he's not already. I do tend to be out of the loop on these things. Anyway, was a good night, and awesome to see my Blunty again for the first time in ages!
And now i am full of pizza and it is time to pwn some Am Fa and Jade Brotherhood noobs. or something.
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