So today was a public holiday in hobart today so people could go to the show. Except that supermarkets are open so i had to work. which is ok cos i get paid overtime to do so, but a pain cos I wanted to get out early to go to the show with my brothers, so I had to work twice as fast as usual and it was stressing me out!
Anyway, i got to leave work almost an hour early and met with my bro's at the show. We petted animals, watched woodcutters, tried not to catch the eye of the carnies, rode a couple of rides and bought a few showbags. Sweet. Tomorrow night is the friday night fireworks at the show and i might go back with my sexy ghenkis cos he got all emo cos i didn't wait for tomorrow to go with him. Poor bunny.
So anyway. youtube. cesspit of human degradation. i usually steer clear of it, even to the detriment of my knowledge of the goings on of blunty. however, recently I have discovered that hidden amongst the dense foliage of mad rednecks carving jack o'lanterns and badly dubbed episodes of naruto, there are actually a few people who embrace the point of the internet(insofar as there is one): The free exchange of information. There's actually educational videos on there for making chainmail, knitting, crocheting, painting and drawing. some of them are commercial and some are just normal people making quick vids to show off their hobby and their own style, but there's some really good stuff on there!
And no, Raedella, condom ads and bad 90's video clips don't count as the good stuff!
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