Wednesday, July 18, 2007

3 sleeps!!

well, apparently creating an original corset from scratch, and an entire set of Indian bridal jewellery isn't worth anything to crystal park or Swarovski. I'm not a finalist. I don't know what beat me, the site hasn't changed, but they were supposed to notify people on Monday and I got nothin'. Anyway, I know the people who supported me and appreciated my efforts, so I don't need some pompous executive from Swarovski Australia to tell me if i'm talented or not!

On to cooler news! Check out my deviantart journal for my take on Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix: 2 thumbs way way up!! I think I have a touch of a crush on Dan Radcliffe. The boys' not a boy anymore!

3 sleeps until the final book, the Deathly Hallows, is released and I have to stand in 2 cues, once for me and again for mum, to pick up pre-ordered copies. Which is a happy coincidence, since that will give us reading material for the drive up north to see ALICE COOPER!! Woot!!

Lets hope that the Deathly Hallows makes provision for a scruffier, tougher Harry, so we can all drool at a movie full of this hotness:

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Tee Hee! That boy is suuuure as hell not a boy anymore!

I remember watching the the goblet of fire and that bath scene came up, and I suddenly wave of panic came over me as i thought "oh my god, I am going to jail" over the thoughts that were going through my head!

Missing you heaps my cherry! Study has taken a huge chunk out of my life, as well as working some sat nights at the Glenorchy Football Club bars. (I have new respect for bartenders, especially ones that have to deal with footballers who drink too much, That and if i ever see a bacardi breezer again in my life, it will be too soon!)

We must catch up, by law of averages, we are way overdue! Let us make plans for an up and coming.... Friday night? does that sound ok to you? I will give you a phone call in the nearest of futures to check with you, or maybe shall I come round one of these evenings and see if a friday will be ok with you?
I should stop talking now since this is a comment, not a freaking email.

Love YA! Say howdie doodie to Ghenkis for me!
