It's 17 days until stormwolfe and dukayn tie the proverbial knot. I'm still making the guestbook and i've been consulted in the embroidery of her dress. It's fun to be involved and a really nice feeling that someone trusts me enough to be involved in something as important as a wedding day. Yesterday I was helping with the skirt embroidery while another of her friends was there to work out hair. This other friend is getting married in a year, but is already immersed in the whole thing of dress/ tradition/ fights with her mum, etc etc.
A number of other people from my circle of friends are getting married over the next couple of months. There seems to be a massive amount of preparation, arguments and money-saving to go through to pull off a wedding. I've only known my Gareth for a year (our first anniversary will be march 4. miss lilly and i have some planning to do!) but I'm wondering if it's not too early to start with this whole wedding planning thing. I know I'm probably just letting the fact that everyone around me is taking the leap affect my jugdement, but on the other hand, the sooner I start, the less stressful it may be in the end! I've been saying the easiest thing to do would be the chuck a kegger and invite a celebrant. Seems to be the cheapest and easiest option!
But then there's a pretty dress involved and i like pretty dresses, and flowers are nice, and it would be good to have photos to remember the day, and a live musician for people to dance too...*sigh* better start saving i guess. I'm not getting any younger.
Wednesday, January 31, 2007
Sunday, January 28, 2007
They're up!
So folkies it's time to use the fabulous linky thing on the right side of the page to scoot on over to my deviantart account to see the shiney things i was promising ya'll (you're looking for the latest jewellery posts, you'll find it!) Drop me a comment, compliment, commision. I'm a popularity whore so just go on ahead and pay attention to ME!
So, besides constant affirmation that that raving lunatic who runs the service desk in the supermarket where I work needs to be put down before she destroys us all with her abject stupidity, there's not a whole lot going on in cherry land. I'm working on a whole bunch of crafty things, which should all be put aside promptly so I can finish stormewolfe's wedding pressie!
Watching the cricket and waiting for the tennis to start, how aussie/sad is that?! Seriously though, if Gonzalez (or 'Gonzo' as the commentators have dubbed him) plays as well against Federer as he did against tommy Haas the other night, this is gonna be an awesome match!
So, besides constant affirmation that that raving lunatic who runs the service desk in the supermarket where I work needs to be put down before she destroys us all with her abject stupidity, there's not a whole lot going on in cherry land. I'm working on a whole bunch of crafty things, which should all be put aside promptly so I can finish stormewolfe's wedding pressie!
Watching the cricket and waiting for the tennis to start, how aussie/sad is that?! Seriously though, if Gonzalez (or 'Gonzo' as the commentators have dubbed him) plays as well against Federer as he did against tommy Haas the other night, this is gonna be an awesome match!
Friday, January 26, 2007
National Pride and Prejudice
There have been a lot of opinions and swear words being thrown around this week about the Australian flag being banned at one of the nations biggest annual youth events: The Big Day Out. This supposed ban existed only for the Sydney concert, and not for any other state, for fears it would start race-related conflict at the event. First of all, I have heard that the organisers did not in fact BAN the AUSTRALIAN flag, but DISCOURAGED people bringing any kind of flag in case they would be used as gang colours and lead to trouble. The press ran away with the idea that our nations' flag was being banned specifically as it was gang colours and a symbol of racism. The truth and what the media presents is, as usual, two completely different things. However, this interpretation has brought about a massive nation-wide debate about what the Australian flag means to people. For those who don't know, the reason why Sydney was singled out is because it is, as yet, the only place in the country where full-blown race riots have occured in recent times.
A bogan symbol, a fascist symbol, a symbol of racism, a symbol of unity, a symbol of our nation and everything it entails and a nice design for a singlet seem to be the main contenders for what exactly the flag means to the people of this country.
And me? the Australian Flag represents the stars of the southern cross which also appear on the New Zealand Flag, as they are our close neighbours, and our ties to England and the Commonwealth as represented by the Union Jack. (and it occurs to me that I've never written or typed the words Union Jack before in my entire life!). It shows where we geographically are in accordance to the stars and politically through our enduring ties to our former Mother land. It is a statement of our position. However, it also stands as a symbol of our history, both the good and the bad. It is shown at war memorials to remind us what our forefathers died for: the fact that we have the freedom to even debate these things. It also covers the secret war waged when white people first came to Australia, invading and destroying and enslaving the Aboriginal people who were here first and for which their descendents still haven't forgiven the descendents of the white people who subjugated them over 200 years ago. As well they should, considering they are left to dwell in third world conditions miles from any support or aid, given government handouts, but no hand-ups from the white people who are happy to march across a bridge made by white men in the name of reconciliation, but who are unwilling to provide clean water and functional sewerage systems. It is a symbol of a country whose political system welcomes multiculturalism, but whose blue collar inhabitants discriminate through words like 'wog', 'chink', 'dago', 'lebo' and who most recently in certain places are trying politically to restrict and even ban refugees and immigrants from Africa and other war-torn countries from settling here. It represents a massive sporting history for which we are justly proud, besting the world in diverse sports and the biggest sporting stages, even hosting the biggest and most fun opening ceremony for the Sydney 2000 Olympics. Where else in the world can we use lawn mowers and bbq's to represent ourselves. The flag represents a great patchwork of attitudes, walks of life, religious backgrounds, ancestry, wars, heroes, villains, larricans, poets, con artists, media moguls, deep-running social resentments, and the political freedom (for the most part) to express ourselves. We have much to be ashamed of. We have much work to do. We have much to be proud of. We have heroes to look up to. And we all have the freedom to do that work and be those heroes. We are Australian and, for better or worse, this is our flag.
Thursday, January 25, 2007
there may be a fight, but it's already over.
I was delighted to hear that people are fighting over me today. The manager of the meat department is going to offer me a full time job in there. However, the bakery manager still needs me to work in there and apparently made this point to someone who works in the meat department during morning smoko (do you think there should be an 'e' at the end of smoko?).
So i'm being fought over. But if there's a full time job where i don't have to start work at 5 or 6am
and I have a room where i can hide from customers then I think it'd be dumb not to go for it.
Still on work, and a little less joyous in nature, as most of my posts about work are. It occured to me today that not only do I not respect my boss because he has no feeling for his employees, but I consider him a dickhead for the way he expects the employees to make up for his shortcomings. Firstly he demands that we get a certain amount of work done, then says that we need to spend less on wages, so we get hours taken off us but when we do work we still have to get that same amount of work done as when we have the time. On top of that he's given the front end a loophole to cutting their spending on wages. They consistently understaff themselves to keep on his good side so he rewards them by giving service alerts whenever they get busy. A service alert is when they call up people who know how to work the registers from other departments to help out for a while. The problem with this system, or at least the way our store manager uses it, is that all the other departments are short-staffed or constantly busy, so when they get called up they get even further behind in their own work. Add this to the fact that instead of once or twice for a few minutes, they call us up and make us stay on registers for 15-20 minutes at a time and do it 10 times in a day! The company I work for makes billions of dollars in profit, so what the fuck makes them think they should be making us slave away for their precious shareholders when the dickhead store managers abuse us and refuse to be trained to help themselves.
So here's my dilemma: full time position in probably the best department in the store vs. working for a slave-driving mother fucker.
oh yeah, weekly status report on my whole weightloss thing: i'm still fat
So i'm being fought over. But if there's a full time job where i don't have to start work at 5 or 6am
and I have a room where i can hide from customers then I think it'd be dumb not to go for it.
Still on work, and a little less joyous in nature, as most of my posts about work are. It occured to me today that not only do I not respect my boss because he has no feeling for his employees, but I consider him a dickhead for the way he expects the employees to make up for his shortcomings. Firstly he demands that we get a certain amount of work done, then says that we need to spend less on wages, so we get hours taken off us but when we do work we still have to get that same amount of work done as when we have the time. On top of that he's given the front end a loophole to cutting their spending on wages. They consistently understaff themselves to keep on his good side so he rewards them by giving service alerts whenever they get busy. A service alert is when they call up people who know how to work the registers from other departments to help out for a while. The problem with this system, or at least the way our store manager uses it, is that all the other departments are short-staffed or constantly busy, so when they get called up they get even further behind in their own work. Add this to the fact that instead of once or twice for a few minutes, they call us up and make us stay on registers for 15-20 minutes at a time and do it 10 times in a day! The company I work for makes billions of dollars in profit, so what the fuck makes them think they should be making us slave away for their precious shareholders when the dickhead store managers abuse us and refuse to be trained to help themselves.
So here's my dilemma: full time position in probably the best department in the store vs. working for a slave-driving mother fucker.
oh yeah, weekly status report on my whole weightloss thing: i'm still fat
Wednesday, January 24, 2007
confessions of a fulltime butcher's bitch?
ok, so the meatroom manager floated the idea past me of being fulltime in the department. No more front end, no more bakery, no more rosters all over the place, fewer customers to deal with, doesn't sound too bad, plus i get a reliable income which i can live on. However, it gets me stuck in the last place I want to be, I still have to travel across the city and i still have to work for people who don't give a shit about me, their customers or anyone else but their shareholders and their own wallets.
something to ponder while waiting to hear back from the jobs i've applied for.
Still working on that puuurty thing, decided to make a set and I still have to finish it. I'll link on here when it's up. I hope it works!
something to ponder while waiting to hear back from the jobs i've applied for.
Still working on that puuurty thing, decided to make a set and I still have to finish it. I'll link on here when it's up. I hope it works!
Tuesday, January 23, 2007
okay, now i see it.
I've found the difference between old and new blogger. I have to log in twice with the new version, once on blogger and again into google accounts. Nice.
had my first day in the meatroom today. wasn't so bad, they have massive extractor fans to keep the smell out, but i think i spent more time out in the shop putting up product. The butchers and the other woman i was working with were nice, and they said i did a good job, which is good cos if they didn't think i was good then sucked in to them cos they're stuck with me for the next 2 days.
I've got my job applications sorted for those 2 government jobs. At least I have all the selection criteria sorted. Now I just need to print out a couple of resumes and knock up a couple of cover letters and i'll be ready to send them off. I've been looking at these sorts of jobs for a while now because they're pretty much the highest paying thing i can do with my arts degree. cross your fingers for me. I still haven't heard anything from the other two jobs i've applied for, which is incredibly annoying. I also have to develop cover letters to email to local businesses that I would like to work for.
Diet and excercise are over-rated. I think i've put on weight since i started actually doing something about losing it. meh.
had my first day in the meatroom today. wasn't so bad, they have massive extractor fans to keep the smell out, but i think i spent more time out in the shop putting up product. The butchers and the other woman i was working with were nice, and they said i did a good job, which is good cos if they didn't think i was good then sucked in to them cos they're stuck with me for the next 2 days.
I've got my job applications sorted for those 2 government jobs. At least I have all the selection criteria sorted. Now I just need to print out a couple of resumes and knock up a couple of cover letters and i'll be ready to send them off. I've been looking at these sorts of jobs for a while now because they're pretty much the highest paying thing i can do with my arts degree. cross your fingers for me. I still haven't heard anything from the other two jobs i've applied for, which is incredibly annoying. I also have to develop cover letters to email to local businesses that I would like to work for.
Diet and excercise are over-rated. I think i've put on weight since i started actually doing something about losing it. meh.
Sunday, January 21, 2007
survived work. after a couple of hours of limping and grimacing, my leg warmed up and decided to let me walk around without inviting my workmates to make an 'Igor' nametag for me. It still aches and I still have no idea what happened to make it hurt in the first place, but now that i'm able to sit on my arse until tuesday I don't really care.
Checked out my good friend Chris's new band in their first hobart gig last night. Room Service kicks ass! They're 'new country' which is wanky for 'old country with electric guitars and a lead singer who sounds like adam brand' Chris is the multitalented Maestro of the group, playing electric 5-string fiddle, mandolin and trumpet! They were awesome and the crowd were right into it from the first song. Ya gotta love bootscootin' bogans and boozed-up bucksnighters! sorry about that, there's just something about the word 'bootscootin' that begs alliteration.
I just swapped over to the new version of blogger. It doesn't seem to make much difference, but at least i won't be bugged by their propaganda.
It's raining heavily outside, we haven't been able to see the city for 2 hours for the fog and cloud. I can hear sirens though. It came on very suddenly and flooded the streets on both sides of the city. I hope it clears tomorrow before Gareth has to go to work in the truck.
Check out my deviantart account in the next 2 days for a stunning piece of jewellery i intend to make. It's gonna be Puuuuuurty! I might even make a set!
Checked out my good friend Chris's new band in their first hobart gig last night. Room Service kicks ass! They're 'new country' which is wanky for 'old country with electric guitars and a lead singer who sounds like adam brand' Chris is the multitalented Maestro of the group, playing electric 5-string fiddle, mandolin and trumpet! They were awesome and the crowd were right into it from the first song. Ya gotta love bootscootin' bogans and boozed-up bucksnighters! sorry about that, there's just something about the word 'bootscootin' that begs alliteration.
I just swapped over to the new version of blogger. It doesn't seem to make much difference, but at least i won't be bugged by their propaganda.
It's raining heavily outside, we haven't been able to see the city for 2 hours for the fog and cloud. I can hear sirens though. It came on very suddenly and flooded the streets on both sides of the city. I hope it clears tomorrow before Gareth has to go to work in the truck.
Check out my deviantart account in the next 2 days for a stunning piece of jewellery i intend to make. It's gonna be Puuuuuurty! I might even make a set!
argh! my leg!
snap shot of my life at 5am. technically it's about 5.15am and i'm getting ready for work on a sunday. isn't this supposed to be against someone's religion? I still have to have something to eat and drink and i have to go by 5.30. i'm trying to be quiet as possible because Gareth's still sleeping of course. For the first time in weeks I actually have monday off so I just have to get through the next 9 hours and I'm free for a day until the bastards stick me in the meat department for the first time on tuesday (ergh!). The only thing really different about this morning: my right leg. I've done...something to it. I have no idea what. I'm limping around the place like a war veteran and it hurts like a bizatch whenever i put my foot down. The next 9 hours on my feet are going to be the epitome of hell.
The crap day at work yesterday and the one I'm execting today have had one good effect in that I've found a way around all the selection criteria for those other jobs. It's amazing what you can achieve with the right motivation!
now to hobble over to the kitchen for some tasty breakfast of metamucil and a muesli bar. Joy.
The crap day at work yesterday and the one I'm execting today have had one good effect in that I've found a way around all the selection criteria for those other jobs. It's amazing what you can achieve with the right motivation!
now to hobble over to the kitchen for some tasty breakfast of metamucil and a muesli bar. Joy.
Friday, January 19, 2007
new career=same headache
Job searching isn't any more fun now than it was before I was employed. I have a few more names to add to my referees list and a few more jobs to add to my employment history, but I still suck when it comes to lying successfully on the selection criteria!
I've applied to for 2 advertised retail jobs recently and am still waiting for news from them. A couple of jobs have come up in child and family services for case managers and child protection workers. I will go for them, but the selection criteria is wordy and wanky in a way only government documents can be. The more I look at them the more I think I can't do it. But for $45k pa+ I'll give it a go and leave it up to them to decide if i can do it or not! After I put these applications together I'll apply online for a couple of bookshops in town. I think unless I go back to uni and study something like social work or teaching (blecch to both) or maybe some art and multimedia (which would be awesome) then I'm probably doomed to retail!
Is it a bad thing to be almost 27 and not know what you're gonna do with your life?
I've applied to for 2 advertised retail jobs recently and am still waiting for news from them. A couple of jobs have come up in child and family services for case managers and child protection workers. I will go for them, but the selection criteria is wordy and wanky in a way only government documents can be. The more I look at them the more I think I can't do it. But for $45k pa+ I'll give it a go and leave it up to them to decide if i can do it or not! After I put these applications together I'll apply online for a couple of bookshops in town. I think unless I go back to uni and study something like social work or teaching (blecch to both) or maybe some art and multimedia (which would be awesome) then I'm probably doomed to retail!
Is it a bad thing to be almost 27 and not know what you're gonna do with your life?
Thursday, January 18, 2007
status: bleagh
How weak must i be if i want to give up already?! I think I just pushed myself too much straight off. It's hard not to when you're all 'born again whatever' but to start excercising and stop eating on the same day was harsh! I'm exhausted and a bit grumpy. I should be better by tomorrow morning though with lots of sleep.
This arvo I took a big walk up the hill and back again which was nice, but my steepass driveway just about killed me! I also tried to meditate a bit this arvo and that was good too. I just have to get past the lethargic, grumpy stage and then I'll be fine.
status message tomorrow regarding diet and job hunting! New career time! g'night folks!
This arvo I took a big walk up the hill and back again which was nice, but my steepass driveway just about killed me! I also tried to meditate a bit this arvo and that was good too. I just have to get past the lethargic, grumpy stage and then I'll be fine.
status message tomorrow regarding diet and job hunting! New career time! g'night folks!
why is metamucil so damn expensive?
okay, so i bought some bathroom scales. BAD IDEA! and I measured myself around bust, waist and hips. WORSE IDEA! Then I calculated my BMI and how much weight I need to lose for it to say I'm at a healthy weight. WTF!
Okay the BMI is not a bad benchmark, but in my case it sets a pretty unrealistic goal. According to it, I am obese. Okay, not arguing there after weighing and measuring. However, for me to be in a healthy weight range for my height I'd have to weigh 55kg at the MOST! Not gonna happen people! Firstly with my bone structure I'd look malnourished if I was that light, I'd have no muscle to speak of and I'd be so gaunt in the face they'd cast me as Snape in the next HP movie!
So I'm gonna be a bit more realistic with myself and concentrate on dress size and losing actual kg's instead. Currently I'm a 14 bordering on 16 in size and weigh 73kg. Not as big as I have been, but heading that way. My goals is a size 12 and an initial loss of 10kg, with a view to an end weight of 60kg at the most. If I give myself 15 weeks to get the first 10kg off then even if i plateau for a little while it shouldn't be too hard at 1kg per week. If I have the full 13kg off by then, awesome! If not, then I'll give myself another 5 weeks to work harder.
I already started this morning by spending about an hour dancing and stretching and doing sit-ups push-ups and squats. I could probably win Funniest Home video's with the footage (if there was any!) but I feel pretty good right now. I'm detoxing today so I've eaten a carrot and drunk about 4 litres of water!
So remember folks, 3rd of May is my goal date for losing that 10kg. Hopefully I'll lose it off the right bits!
Okay the BMI is not a bad benchmark, but in my case it sets a pretty unrealistic goal. According to it, I am obese. Okay, not arguing there after weighing and measuring. However, for me to be in a healthy weight range for my height I'd have to weigh 55kg at the MOST! Not gonna happen people! Firstly with my bone structure I'd look malnourished if I was that light, I'd have no muscle to speak of and I'd be so gaunt in the face they'd cast me as Snape in the next HP movie!
So I'm gonna be a bit more realistic with myself and concentrate on dress size and losing actual kg's instead. Currently I'm a 14 bordering on 16 in size and weigh 73kg. Not as big as I have been, but heading that way. My goals is a size 12 and an initial loss of 10kg, with a view to an end weight of 60kg at the most. If I give myself 15 weeks to get the first 10kg off then even if i plateau for a little while it shouldn't be too hard at 1kg per week. If I have the full 13kg off by then, awesome! If not, then I'll give myself another 5 weeks to work harder.
I already started this morning by spending about an hour dancing and stretching and doing sit-ups push-ups and squats. I could probably win Funniest Home video's with the footage (if there was any!) but I feel pretty good right now. I'm detoxing today so I've eaten a carrot and drunk about 4 litres of water!
So remember folks, 3rd of May is my goal date for losing that 10kg. Hopefully I'll lose it off the right bits!
Wednesday, January 17, 2007
A New Beginning
OO look at the pretty colours! Blogger took down my old blog cos i neglected it. it was filthy, starving, dying of thirst and completely flea ridden. Just like mum's nintendogs!
I can't even remember what i was doing when i last wrote in the other blog other than that i had just discovered my love for deviantArt! Hence i shall recap my entire life to bring you up to speed:
I will run down the things i have going on right now tho!
I still love deviantArt. Check out my awesome talent at
I have a few projects on the go to add to what's there including the guestbook for my friends' wedding, and maiko plushie doll being made with information from one of my favourite deviantartists.
I'm living with my gorgeous man, Gareth, whose name i spelled incorrectly in my former blog! It's sorted now, as you can see. We have an awesome apartment overlooking the city of Hobart which they're about to up the rent on (bastards) but it's still worth it! He's going back to uni to complete his Engi degree this year after spending last semester working pretty much full time in his dad's business. I can't wait to see him at graduation. I'm gonna be soooooo proud! And he's gonna look soooo hot in the cloak and mortarboard! I can't wait!
Anyhoo, i guess i should sign off with a statement of the reason why i decided to pick up this blog thing once more. Ahem: let it be known that Emma, otherwise known as Cherry Delight, resolves to no longer be a fat lazy hoglet, lounging on her hippopotamus-esque arse. This blog is to document my efforts to being a more pro-active human being, no longer griping at the crappy stuff in my life, but endeavouring to change it. I don't want to be grumpy, fat, lazy, unproductive and underpaid. I don't want to work a crap job that i hate with people who for the most part have an IQ at least 30 points lower than mine! I don't want to wear a baby-shit green shirt as a work uniform. I don't want to spend my days off lying on the couch staring at a screensaver because i'm too slack to even surf the freakin internet!
I'm going to spend the next 2 days detoxing my body and starting to move it. I'm going to get up in the morning and dance around the apartment! I'm going to drink cleansing herbal tea and eat fresh vegetables and fruit. I'm going to meditate and teach myself how to relax properly. I'm going to spend my free time being the creative creature i wish to be and cannot be at work. I'm going to actively look for a better job and work on the skills i need to get it. And I'm going to record the results of it all here, where my friends and family can see and judge and prod me when they think i'm not doing it! I'm gonna need your help guys!
Tomorrow I will make an entry here to go through where I am at in different areas of my life and the goals i wish to achieve, short and long term, in each of them. See ya then!
I can't even remember what i was doing when i last wrote in the other blog other than that i had just discovered my love for deviantArt! Hence i shall recap my entire life to bring you up to speed:
I will run down the things i have going on right now tho!
I still love deviantArt. Check out my awesome talent at
I have a few projects on the go to add to what's there including the guestbook for my friends' wedding, and maiko plushie doll being made with information from one of my favourite deviantartists.
I'm living with my gorgeous man, Gareth, whose name i spelled incorrectly in my former blog! It's sorted now, as you can see. We have an awesome apartment overlooking the city of Hobart which they're about to up the rent on (bastards) but it's still worth it! He's going back to uni to complete his Engi degree this year after spending last semester working pretty much full time in his dad's business. I can't wait to see him at graduation. I'm gonna be soooooo proud! And he's gonna look soooo hot in the cloak and mortarboard! I can't wait!
Anyhoo, i guess i should sign off with a statement of the reason why i decided to pick up this blog thing once more. Ahem: let it be known that Emma, otherwise known as Cherry Delight, resolves to no longer be a fat lazy hoglet, lounging on her hippopotamus-esque arse. This blog is to document my efforts to being a more pro-active human being, no longer griping at the crappy stuff in my life, but endeavouring to change it. I don't want to be grumpy, fat, lazy, unproductive and underpaid. I don't want to work a crap job that i hate with people who for the most part have an IQ at least 30 points lower than mine! I don't want to wear a baby-shit green shirt as a work uniform. I don't want to spend my days off lying on the couch staring at a screensaver because i'm too slack to even surf the freakin internet!
I'm going to spend the next 2 days detoxing my body and starting to move it. I'm going to get up in the morning and dance around the apartment! I'm going to drink cleansing herbal tea and eat fresh vegetables and fruit. I'm going to meditate and teach myself how to relax properly. I'm going to spend my free time being the creative creature i wish to be and cannot be at work. I'm going to actively look for a better job and work on the skills i need to get it. And I'm going to record the results of it all here, where my friends and family can see and judge and prod me when they think i'm not doing it! I'm gonna need your help guys!
Tomorrow I will make an entry here to go through where I am at in different areas of my life and the goals i wish to achieve, short and long term, in each of them. See ya then!
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