so I've been on a complete Star Trek: Voyager trip for the past couple of weeks. I forgot how much i loved this show when it was on tv years ago. I can't actually believe its been that long since it was on! The biggest surprise to me is probably the fact that it took about 5 seconds to fall back in love with Robert Beltran's character Chakotay. Could that man have had any woman on that ship or what?!
Something I didn't know about the actor himself, besides the fact that his actual age is not reflected in the way he looks, is that he has a younger sibling with Downs' Syndrome, just like me! Woot for obscure celebrity connections!
Anyway, besides my resurrected fantasies of me and a certain 'Native American' (Robert himself is actually of Mexican descent) gettin' all sweaty in a corn field somewhere, I've also been madly preparing for my interview for the Tafe jewellery making course for next year. I'll upload some of my portfolio pages to deviantart after i post this. the interview itself was on Tuesday, and I think it went well. that is until i asked the interviewer if he knew certain people i know who share his last name, and he replied that one of them was his ex-wife! Social suicide or what?! anyway, the conversation was saved when i looked extremely embarrassed and he said the other person I'd mentioned was his daughter. Said daughter helped my aforementioned younger sibling at college and taught him to swim when he little. I imparted this little gem of information and left ASAP!
thanks to miss LillyPilly who was there to give me a hug before I went in! hopefully I'll be studying the course next year and the interviewer, who is also one of the lecturers, will forgive me my little faux pas and we can move on to me learning all sorts of awesome things! One of those awesome things includes actually making my own wire from which to make jumprings with which to make chainmaille!! WOOT!!
And just to bring this whole post together:
My discovery that Senor Beltran adores Shakespeare has inspired the chainmailler in me, and my head is full of awesome Macbeth chainmaille coats and King Lear crowns, and Juliet coronets and all kinds of wonderful things that I'll never have the money or time to make! Yay frustrated artistic intentions!!!